No animal expert can accurately point out what a pet is feeling. Even if you can understand
your pet’s body language, it’s still difficult to know which specific part of their body is
aching, and what type of pet food they should be eating. There are instances when the pet
food that you give them isn’t enough. There are also times when you’re going to have to
provide them more than their basic needs.
Just like humans, pets are not immune to diseases. Although your beloved pal may not be
able to stay with you for as long as you want them to, you can always take extra measures to
ensure that the time they spend with you is worthwhile.
Keeping Your Pet In Top Shape
Caring for your pet and keeping them healthy can be done with ease. By giving your furry
friends vitamins every day, you and your pets can enjoy spending time with each other
longer, as they will be in tiptop shape and remain that way for the next several years.
There are countless types of vitamins that you can give your pets. Because they have varied
dietary requirements, you must know the ingredients of your beloved cat or dog’s vitamins –
these vitamins typically address and alleviate certain types of ailments and diseases.
Pethonesty.com offers various types of vitamins for your pets in order to provide them the
best supplement for their nutritional needs.
But why is it important to give your pets their daily dose of vitamins? Read on.
Pet Food May Not Always Be Enough
Pet food manufacturers include unique and tasty ingredients in the food that they sell to the
pet owners for them to feed to their cats and dogs. They most likely source it from different
factories and farms where the primary source of protein range from organic meats like wild-
caught fish to grass-fed lambs.
The contents of the pet food that you give your pets may be high-quality and human-grade,
but the nutritional value of each ingredient are sometimes not enough to meet your pet’s daily
nutritional requirements. Usually, it’s the kittens and puppies that need more vitamins as it
can help them grow bigger and healthier. Underweight and malnourished pets, too, can
benefit from a vitamin supplement to aid in their weight gain.
Active Pets Require More “Fuel”
Owning a pet that enjoys the limelight is always a delight. After all, who doesn’t appreciate
watching a darling that enjoys the attention? However, the number of routines that your pet
goes through on a regular basis may leave them physically drained.
Because working dogs and pet athletes like show dogs burn more calories and consume their
stored proteins faster, allowing them to continue their exercise without the optimal nutrient
reserve may lead to dire consequences. These can even potentially lead to life-threatening
conditions. To prevent this from happening, you must provide them the extra nutrients that
their body needs by means of vitamins before or after the competition.
Your Pets’ Medical Condition May Be Relieved
Your pets’ dietary needs sometimes require more supplementation than they normally would.
For instance, pregnant dogs and cats may need more nutrient-rich foods and vitamins as
they’re growing a litter of adorable babies. These vitamins will not only help your future
momma pet to gestate comfortably, her babies will also be born healthier.
Some pets may suffer from skin problems that cannot be resolved no matter what shampoo or
medication the veterinarian prescribes. While some cats and dogs are lucky enough to
respond to the medications positively, and some recover from it on their own, many furry
friends manage to maintain their shiny coat just from vitamins alone.
Aging pets also need to be taken extra care of as their body no longer functions as well as it
used to. Many of them suffer from medical conditions like arthritis and joint pains. These
senior pals can benefit from a regular supplement of vitamins that can aid in their mobility.
Finding The Right Vitamin Supplement For Your Pet
You’re probably aware by now that vitamins made for pets are widely available to the
animal-lovers market. But not all of these products are made alike, as some are highly
regarded while some are ineffective.
Fortunately, the Food and Drug Administration classifies pet supplements under the food and
drug category. Thus, finding the perfect vitamins for your dog can be done easily as you have
an indication of which ingredients are FDA-approved and which ones are not.
If you’re not sure whether or not the vitamins that you wish to give your pets are approved by
the FDA, you should always go for one that has natural ingredients only. These types of
ingredients are rarely harmful to your pets as they’re already commonly found in pet foods
and are even recommended by veterinarians to include in the pets’ diet.
Giving your pet vitamins should only be done after an extensive amount of research. You
must carefully consider your pets’ health and your veterinarian’s advice. Though rare, some
pets may experience adverse effects to their supplements. This usually happens when they’re
also given other medications that counter or react with what they’re already taking. So it’s
best to consult your veterinarian first before giving your furry pal their extra dose of health
In Conclusion
Animals don’t ask for a lot of things. Their happiness lies in making their owners happy, and
they do it by protecting and remaining loyal to their owners. One of the essentials that your
pets wish for you to provide them is keeping them healthy – and it doesn’t take much to do
that. As long as you provide them their basic needs like food and shelter, they will return
their gratitude a hundredfold. As a parent of a cheerful bundle of joy, you know that you can
always give them more than what they ask for.
Providing your pets vitamins to further improve their health and maintain their prime state is
the best thing that you can give them. You can give them the best vitamins that they can have
by asking your veterinarian which supplement would be suitable for them depending on their
condition and needs.
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