You might not have realized it already, but the same weight issues that people go through also happen to our canine companions. Just as you make healthy diet choices for yourself and your family, so should you for your pet.
Overweight pets are prone to several health conditions, such as arthritis, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Losing weight might be hard, but getting in shape can add more years and make your pet’s years worth it.
Here are tips to help you manage your pet’s diet when they need to lose weight:
Portion Control
Knowing just the right amount to feed your overweight pet is vital in succeeding. Pet feed companies usually provide this information on labels and sometimes charts on their websites.
However, do not trust all this information. You should factor in various variables, such as the size of your dog. You should consult your veterinarian on how much and how often to feed your dog.
Once you’ve established that your pet needs to shed some weight, consider what you feed them every day. A healthy and well-balanced diet is essential for the general health of your pet. However, finding the best diet for your pet can be a challenging process.
Many commercial pet feed companies offer weight-loss diets, but always examine the food labels to make sure they have enough nutrition content. You have to ensure that your pet is not missing any vitamin or mineral content.
Also, observe the volume of food you feed your pet. Remember that the amount of food that works for one breed may differ for another breed. Instead of free choice feeding, portion control can also help your pet shed a few pounds. You can cut your pet’s food portions by 15% to 20% for a six to eight week period then analyze the results.
Some pet owners prefer cooking their pet food themselves so that they can provide a well balanced and realistic diet plan. You can also find various resources online that offer recipes to fit into your pet’s needs.
You can also consult with a veterinary nutritionist for expert advice on how to help your pet get healthy.
Stay Firm
If your pet was used to eating every time, they will begin to whine and cry for more food when you cut their diet. They might also shadow you into the kitchen in anticipation of food.
Yes, you love your pet. But you have to realize that if you give in and offer more snacks and treats, then your efforts will bear no fruits. Remain focused on the goal.
Offer Healthy Treats
All pet owners love rewarding their canine companions with an occasional treat. Your pet will always be excited at the sight of a treat.
However, many commercial pet treats add unnecessary calories to your pet’s daily intake. To monitor your pet’s health, make sure you read the labels and note the calories in the treats.
An important tip that you should take note is that the treats should not be over 10% of your pet’s daily calorie intake. You can also find healthier treat options that have low calories yet still give satisfaction.
Alternative Veggies
As an alternative to highly-processed treats that you buy from the store, you can offer your pet vegan treats. These include baby carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, bananas, celery, sliced apples, and green beans.
These alternatives are tasty yet naturally nutritious, thereby presenting a healthy option for your pets. Also, do not give them full apples or bananas as they have a high content of sugar.
For cats, you can try giving flake salmon or tuna.
Smart Supplements
Supplements can help keep your pet trim and fit, just as they work in humans. Your pet can benefit from fatty omega-3 acid supplements. These supplements empower the body to fight diseases and stay healthy.
Also, they can ease aching joints and encourage weight loss.
Eliminate Carbs
Most of the overweight pets regularly have a high carbohydrate intake. When you analyze food labels, you will notice that most pet foods contain 60% or more carbohydrates.
Find diets that balance both proteins and carbohydrates. It is recommended that you try a high protein/low carbs diet when trying to reduce weight. Here are 13 Best Cat Foods (Top Rated) in 2020.
As a pet owner, you must ensure they are fit and healthy. Do not allow your dog to eat anything.
Watch your pet’s diet and control the amounts they eat. You can also give some vegetables as treats and supplement their diet with omega-3. Also, ensure that their food has low carbs. These simple tips will help your pet stay mobile and lose excess weight.
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